Startseite » Kontaktanzeigen » i lost my wife in 2007 through cancer of the cervix, i have a daughter and her name if Laurie she is schooling at a private university in Australia, she is stu

i lost my wife in 2007 through cancer of the cervix, i have a daughter and her name if Laurie she is schooling at a private university in Australia, she is stu

Outdoorpartner gesucht für Berge, Sportklettern

Alexander (m, 64)

i lost my wife in 2007 through cancer of the cervix, i have a daughter  and her name if Laurie she is schooling at a private university in Australia, she is stu - Bild
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Über Alexander

Alexander ist männlich, 64 Jahre
aus Deutschland, Hamburg 3
Alexander ist Nichtraucher

Gesuchter Outdoorpartner

männliche Outdoorpartner
Alexander sucht eine eine Gruppe
zwischen 50 und 90 Jahren

50 - 90

Über diese Kontaktanzeige

Anzeige-ID OP-12390
Erstellt am 17.12.2019 (vor 63 Monaten)
Läuft ab am 31.12.2019 (in 62 Monaten)
Aufrufe der Kontaktanzeige: 1163

Alexander schreibt

i lost my wife in 2007 through cancer of the cervix, i have a daughter and her name if Laurie she is schooling at a private university in Australia, she is studing zoology, well she decided to school there because her school mate from high school decided also to school there and also due to the promise i made to her when her mother died, so for me i have been living alone for 10 years now without a spouse, when i lost my wife i thought the world has come to its end, but i believe all things work together for a good reason, i inherited the company i now run from my father who also got it from his father, the conpany started in the year 1930 by my grandfather, wwe are British-Italian, my grandfather was a business partner with Onasis, and they worked in Greece until my grandfather moved to Italy, then when my grandfather died, my father my father decided to come to Britain where he met German-Btitish which is my mother, and they got married and i was giving birth anyway i was a twin until my other part away 6 months later we where born, so the doctor told my father that my mother cant have any other child because she has phybroid, so i was all alone without a sibling, and thats same thing that happened to my wife we got Laurie late though but she was indeed loved by us

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