Startseite » Kontaktanzeigen » Suche personen die will wohnen und zusamen bauen huette in Griechenland

Suche personen die will wohnen und zusamen bauen huette in Griechenland

Outdoorpartner gesucht für Sonstiges, Angeln

Maria (w, 37)

Über Maria

Maria ist weiblich, 37 Jahre
aus Deutschland, Duisburg 1
Maria ist Nichtraucher

Gesuchter Outdoorpartner

männliche oder weibliche Outdoorpartner
Maria sucht eine eine Einzelperson
zwischen 18 und 90 Jahren
Raucher, wenn rücksichtsvoll

18 - 90

Über diese Kontaktanzeige

Anzeige-ID OP-13161
Erstellt am 18.08.2021 (vor 45 Monaten)
Läuft ab am 14.02.2022 (in 38 Monaten)
Aufrufe der Kontaktanzeige: 1465

Maria schreibt

Hallo, entschuldge aber mein Deutsch ist schlect so ich werde schreiben in Englisch fuer besser Vestaednis.

I am a woman from Greece unmarried (not searching husband) with 2 dogs, and 1 cat and 1 mother age 80. I am going to start an off grid project in a piece of land of my fathers and I need simply people who are like-minded.
so Ideally you want
1) to live in Greece for minimum 2 years, preferably more.Maybe you are fed up with Germany?
2) you want to save animals that are stray. I do not intent to make yet another dog shelter, but if we find any stray dogs (and greece is full of them) we will take them and find them homes back in Germany. You could be the manager of that project alone.
3) you want for any reason to move to Greece, the countryside, u have your own monetary means for basic food, basic bills (i iwll try to create off-grid but im not sure how succesful i wil be).
4) you are ok with all this, but I willnot accept families. If you are couple without children yet, your welcomed. If you are 50+ and looking to live in nature simply, your welcome, man or woman. But you should be ready for some suffering, especially when we havent built anything yet and we will be using big tents as shelter.

5) we will build a campingplatz design (many showers and a communal kitchen building) but it will not function as a campignplant. It will be an art community (nothing hippy or vegan --- eat what you want), as I m into art and i was going to do this for myself but then I thought why not invove others too? Why not create a small community if the land is big enough and if i find like-minded ppl.

It is not luxury and it wont have a/c, jacuzzi, and you may have to invest hyour own money a bit (buy your own car) if you need comforts. But i prefer people from Germany because I still learn German and because I am also thinking of creating this project as a hub of German and Greek friendship associationu using the fine arts (music, paintings etc). An intercultural dialogue of 2 rather opposing and different cultures.

Let me know your thoughts by email. Gruess!

Auf diese Kontaktanzeige antworten

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